Movie Release: More Than Stars

March 11, 2012 in the USA

The release date of "More Than Stars" is March 11, 2012 in US movie theatres. The movie is produced by David Stoughton Thayer. Starring: Susie Castillo, Aaron Michael Metchik and Nicolette Autumn File. Film genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance. Produced in USA. The runtime is 94 minutes.

Plot Summary by "Iris and Quinn and the pregnancy test. They keep trying it. Meanwhile, Colby doesn't get it. Gwen loses it. Max steals it. Ursula doesn't want it. Katherine gets it, in the end. And Sam throws a pretty good party. Finally, it hits him.".

Where is the event?
Movie theatres
When is the event?
Sunday, the 11th of March 2012
Over since 4714 days!

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