Movie Release: Seeking a Friend for the End of the World

June 22, 2012 in the USA

The release date of "Seeking a Friend for the End of the World" is June 22, 2012 in US movie theatres. The movie is produced by Lorene Scafaria. Starring: Steve Carell, Keira Knightley and Melanie Lynskey. Film genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi. Produced in USA/Singapore/Malaysia/Indonesia. Studio: Focus Features. The runtime is 101 minutes. MPAA Rating: R.

Plot Summary by "As an asteroid nears Earth, a man finds himself alone after his wife leaves in a panic. He decides to take a road trip to reunite with his high school sweetheart. Accompanying him is a neighbor who inadvertently puts a wrench in his plan.".

Where is the event?
Movie theatres
When is the event?
Friday, the 22nd of June 2012
Over since 4611 days!

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