Movie Release: The Rake Creatures

October 31, 2014 in the USA

The release date of "The Rake Creatures" is October 31, 2014 in US movie theatres. The movie is produced by Gavin Presto. Starring: Jared Crate, Adien Deloe and Gavin Presto ยป. Film genre: Horror. Produced in USA. The runtime is 183 minutes.

Plot Summary by "Gavin Presto ,and Jared Crate go to visit there child hood home for the week. When they here attacks about a rake creature. They try to catch one ,but then they find out that the hunter is now the hunted.".

Where is the event?
Movie theatres
When is the event?
Friday, the 31st of October 2014
Over since 3750 days!

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