Movie Release: Beziehungsweise New York

May 16, 2014 in the USA

The release date of "Beziehungsweise New York" is May 16, 2014 in US movie theatres. The movie is produced by Cédric Klapisch. Starring: Romain Duris, Audrey Tautou and Cécile De France ». Film genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance. Produced in France/USA/Belgium. Studio: Cohen Media Group. The runtime is 117 minutes.

Plot Summary by "A 40-year-old father's life is complicated when the mother of his two children moves to New York. Since he can't bear them growing up far away from him, he decides to move there as well.".

Where is the event?
Movie theatres
When is the event?
Friday, the 16th of May 2014
Over since 3951 days!

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