Movie Release: Let's Be Cops

August 13, 2014 in the USA

The release date of "Let's Be Cops" is August 13, 2014 in US movie theatres. The movie is produced by Luke Greenfield. Starring: Jake Johnson, Damon Wayans Jr. and Rob Riggle ยป. Film genre: Comedy. Produced in USA. Studio: Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. The runtime is 104 minutes.

Plot Summary by "Two struggling pals dress as police officers for a costume party and become neighborhood sensations. But when these newly-minted "heroes" get tangled in a real life web of mobsters and dirty detectives, they must put their fake badges on the line.".

Where is the event?
Movie theatres
When is the event?
Wednesday, the 13th of August 2014
Over since 3829 days!

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