Movie Release: The Attack of the 30 Foot Chola

July 4, 2014 in the USA

The release date of "The Attack of the 30 Foot Chola" is July 04, 2014 in US movie theatres. The movie is produced by Kieron Estrada. Starring: Kat Castaneda, Janet Lopez and Raychel D. Espiritu ยป. Film genre: Sci-Fi. Produced in USA.

Plot Summary by "In the small town of Salsberg, drama and scandal is a daily routine for the local Cholas, until one of them is exposed to toxic waste which transforms her into a 30 foot creature unleashing revenge on those that did her wrong.".

Where is the event?
Movie theatres
When is the event?
Friday, the 4th of July 2014
Over since 3902 days!

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