Movie Release: Seventy-Nine

March 12, 2014 in the USA

The release date of "Seventy-Nine" is March 12, 2014 in US movie theatres. The movie is produced by Filip Maciejewicz. Starring: Jonathan Rosenthal, Adrian Voo and Bo Linton ยป. Film genres: Action, Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller. Produced in USA. Studio: Magic Elevator Distribution. The runtime is 82 minutes.

Plot Summary by "In an abandoned asylum, a series of secret experiments on the nature of brainwashing is being conducted - a project codenamed 'Limes' (a term describing a borderline between the civilized and barbaric world).".

Where is the event?
Movie theatres
When is the event?
Wednesday, the 12th of March 2014
Over since 3983 days!

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