Movie Release: The Hounds

January 20, 2013 in the USA

The release date of "The Hounds" is January 20, 2013 in US movie theatres. Starring: Andy Callaghan, John Doughty and David Drew. Film genres: Crime, Horror, Thriller. Produced in UK. The runtime is 87 minutes.

Plot Summary by "First of all,let me say this.Although this film hails from the U.K.,giallo fans everywhere will LOVE this film,as,to this viewer,it plays in the grand style of Italian mysteries.No spoilers here. This is a tightly written crime thriller,that will involve you,and the actors ,leaving you guessing what the hell is going to happen next.If you are waiting for the next "Saw" rip-off,move on,as the story works without overboard gore,for gore-sake.Don't get me wrong,as there are plenty of wet moments ,injury ,and death,all very well done.I was lucky to be able to screen this film,on Halloweeen,due to an on-line meeting with writer,and director Roberto Del Piccolo. We talk about our love for horror,and sci-fi films,and this movie shows the return of that love.The actors are all great,and the beginning lets us get to know these people,and that is very important,because i have seen films by the hundreds,and by the last reel,i was actually on the edge of my seat(rare for this viewer).The locations are nice,with a lot of great camera work,fluid movement,and shots.As i said before,this is a very tight,well done movie that needs to be seen by fans of all sorts.well played.".

Where is the event?
Movie theatres
When is the event?
Sunday, the 20th of January 2013
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